The European Southern Observatory (ESO) offers PhD students the opportunity to spend between 6 months and 2 years working alongside ESO scientific staff through the ESO Studentship Programme. There are 2 application deadlines each year, the next of which is 31 May 2022. A number of Australian graduate students have...Read More
Supported by ACAMAR (Australia-China Consortium for Astrophysical Research), the forthcoming meeting on Astroparticle Physics will be held between June 22 and 24, 2022.Read More
Do you face demanding computing challenges that you could use some advice or assistance with? To accelerate or extend the capabilities of your research programs, the ADACS Merit Allocation Program (MAP) is accepting Expressions of interest (EoIs) for Semester 2022B.Read More
AAL is issuing a Call for Nominations to the AAL Project Oversight Committee (APOC). Applications close on Friday 29th April 2022, 8 PM AEST. Late applications will not be accepted.Read More
The Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) has issued a Call for Shared Time Proposals in semester 2022B (1 August 2022 – 31 January 2023). The main proposal deadline is 15 April 2022, at 17:00 Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC + 10 hrs).Read More
Some fantastic new job opportunities have just been announced by the European Southern Observatory (ESO), as well as offering PhD positions and postdoctoral positions in Star and Planet formation through project WANDA.Read More
The Giant Magellan Telescope will provide us with some of the most detailed images of the universe. As a ground-based telescope, it will have to withstand some of the more challenging geological aspects of its position in Chile’s Atacama Desert. Fortunately, renowned Spanish engineering and architecture firm, IDOM, has...Read More
The European Southern Observatory (ESO) has released the Call for Proposals for Period 110 (for observations between 1 October 2022 – 31 March 2023). The proposal deadline is Friday 25 March 2022 at noon Central European Time (10pm Australian Eastern Daylight Time, 7pm Australian Western Standard Time).Read More
AAL invites EOIs from the astronomy community to participate in a commercialisation discovery process to unlock potential opportunities from their research/projects. Led by Ilana Feain, this activity is free of charge to our member organisations. Read More