ESO Studentship Programme – Call for Applications

The European Southern Observatory (ESO) offers PhD students the opportunity to spend between 6 months and 2 years working alongside ESO scientific staff through the ESO Studentship Programme. There are 2 application deadlines each year, the next of which is 31 May 2022. A number of Australian graduate students have benefited from this opportunity since the commencement of Australia’s Strategic Partnership with ESO.

The Milky Way hangs over the Very Large Telescope (VLT) in this spellbinding panorama taken at ESO's Paranal Observatory in the Atacama desert, Chile. Credit: F. Char/ ESO.

ESO have just released two instructional pdfs to support the latest call for applications – click here for ESO Chile, or click here for ESO Garching (Germany). Applications require the coordination of both Australian and ESO representatives, so if you are interested please start your application process as early as possible.

In the PDF documents, ESO says explicitly:

  • “For this purpose, the ESO supervisor should be contacted well in advance of the application deadlines (next deadline is 31 May 2022)”.
  • “Applicants are strongly advised to trigger these invitations [to their home institute supervisor and ESO supervisor to provide letters of reference] (using the Web application form) well in advance of the application deadline (can be done before the final submission of the application).”

The PDF’s also include links to:

  • detailed information about the studentship program
  • lists of current ESO Staff and fellows and their research interests
  • lists of PhD projects currently being offered by ESO staff
  • details of employment conditions and benefits
  • relevant FAQ’s (and contact addresses for further questions) about the studentships and application process.

For more information, please see the ESO Studentship Programme webpage, or contact AAL ESO Program Manager, Dr Stuart Ryder.

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