Australia and the European Southern Observatory (ESO) recently signed an amendment to their existing Strategic Partnership, giving Australian companies and astronomy groups new opportunities to work with ESO on future ground-based telescope technologies.Read More
Australian science continues to make national and international headlines, most recently focusing on the COVID-19 pandemic and the 2019 – 2020 Australian bushfires. Behind these headlines, you will find a community of impassioned researchers. And behind them, you will find a network of research enablers from NCRIS, the...Read More
A consortium of 45 astronomers from 14 AAL member institutions have been awarded an Australian Research Council Linkage Infrastructure, Equipment and Facilities (LIEF) grant for A$1.275M.Read More
A third call for joint Australia-eROSITA_DE projects is now open. Proposal submissions will be accepted until 11 February 2022. This call follows two previous successful calls for joint projects under the agreement between Australian-based astronomers, represented by Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL) and the German eROSITA Consortium (eROSITA_DE).Read More
ACAMAR is pleased to open a call for proposals for further themed workshops to be held in 2022. The aim of these workshops will be to develop, promote and strengthen understanding and engagement in astrophysical research between Australia and China, including business and community stakeholders, in support of Australia's...Read More
After many years of work by Australia’s leading astronomical instrumentation group, the Astralis Consortium has delivered Hector, the multi-Integral Field Unit spectrograph for the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT).Read More
With help from the Astronomy Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee (ASTAC) Large Program allocation, a group of researchers from Australia and around the world have managed to optimise the search for the yet-undiscovered material known as ‘dark matter’.Read More
With some help from the Astronomy Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee’s (ASTAC) Large Program allocation, two researchers from Monash University have delved deep into the belly of a dying star to investigate how some of the most energetic and magnetic objects are created by an explosive end.Read More