APOC Members

  • Warrick Couch, Swinburne (Chair)
  • Joss Bland-Hawthorn, AAL Board
  • Tania Ezra, Industry Consultant
  • Trevor Mendel, ANU
  • Allison Weidenbaum, CSIRO
  • Abishek Singh, Industry Consultant
  • Eric Thrane, Monash
  • Aaron Robotham, UWA

The AAL Project Oversight Committee (APOC) is appointed by the AAL Board to monitor and assess the progress of AAL-funded projects and activities, and determine whether project plans are being efficiently implemented. APOC reports on project progress to the AAL Board, and is also called upon to provide feedback and guidance on the feasibility of new project proposals.

Terms of reference

APOC meets four times per year, in line with project reporting requirements, via video conferencing. When seeking new members for APOC, AAL looks for astronomers and industry or technical experts with experience in project management and assessment of highly technical and scientific infrastructure projects.

Members of APOC are appointed by the AAL Board via an application process (organised by AAL) and are installed for a two-year fixed term, with the possibility of renewal. In addition:

  • APOC comprises of seven members (including the Chair), with experience that covers a range of astronomical research infrastructure projects. The AAL Board may choose to include ex-officio (non-voting) positions on the committee. An AAL Board member sits on the committee in an ex-officio (non-voting) capacity.
  • AAL is responsible for appointing Chair and Deputy Chair positions on the committee.
  • AAL aims for institutional, geographical, career stage and gender diversity across its advisory committees.