Participating Australian Surveys


Galaxy And Mass Assembly (GAMA) 
GAMA combines 20-band photometry and AAT/AAOmega spectroscopic redshifts for ~300,000 galaxies down to r < 19.8 mag over ~286 deg^2.
Contact: Simon Driver and Andrew Hopkins 

Deep Extragalactic Visible Legacy Survey (DEVILS)  DEVILS will collect highly complete (>95%), magnitude limited (Y-mag<21.2) AAT/AAOmega spectroscopic redshifts in the range 0.3 < z < 1 over 4 1.5 deg^2 regions which have existing extensive multi-wavelength imaging across a broad range of wavelengths.
Contact: Luke Davies 

The Australian Dark Energy Survey (OzDES) used the 2dF fibre positioner and AAOmega spectrograph on the AAT to obtain the redshifts of thousands of sources in the 10 deep fields of the Dark Energy Survey.
​Contact: Tamara Davis

2-degree Field Lensing Survey (2dFLenS)
2dFLens is a galaxy redshift survey which was performed using the AAT/AAOmega instrument to extend the spectroscopic-redshift coverage of deep-imaging gravitational lensing surveys in the southern sky, in particular the Kilo-Degree Survey.  The 2dFLenS sample consists of 70,079 redshifts across 731 sq deg, including 40,531 Luminous Red Galaxies spanning redshift range z < 0.9, and 28,269 redshifts which form a magnitude-limited nearly-complete sub-sample in the magnitude range 17 < r < 19.5.  
Contact: Chris Blake 

The SAMI Galaxy Survey
The survey used the Sydney-AAO Multi-Object Integral Field Spectrograph (SAMI) on the AAT to obtain resolved spectroscopy for ~3000 galaxies with 0.004 < z < 0.1 and selected from the GAMA equatorial regions, as well as from 8 massive clusters of galaxies.
Contact: Scott Croom

The GALactic Archaeology with HERMES (GALAH) 
GALAH survey is a Large Observing Program using the HERMES instrument with the Anglo-Australian Telescope of the Australian Astronomical Observatory. GALAH will obtain precise radial velocities and abundances of over 15 different chemical elements per star for approximately one million stars.
Contact: Joss Bland-Hawthorn 

SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey   
The SkyMapper Southern Sky Survey covers six optical bands (uvgriz) with a median spatial resolution of 2.5 arcsec. Observations are running from 2014 to 2021. The newest release is DR2, which has nearly hemispheric coverage in all bands to 18 mag, in i and z to >19 mag, and one third of the Southern hemisphere in all bands to 19..21 mag. DR3 is expected in May 2020 and will extend the deep all-band coverage to 80% of the Southern hemisphere. The precision of absolute photometric calibration is better than 2% with the exception of the passbands u and v. Cone searches, image cutouts and full catalogue queries are accessible via VO-compatible endpoints and through web browsers at
​Contact: Christian Wolf 


Evolutionary Map of the Universe (EMU)
EMU is a large project which will use the new ASKAP telescope to make a census of 50-70 million radio sources in the sky from -90 to +30 dec. EMU covers the frequency range 800-1100 MHz with spatial resolution ~10 arcsec, and sensitivity ~15-20microJy/beam.
Contact: Andrew Hopkins

The Widefield ASKAP L-band Legacy All-sky Blind surveY (WALLABY)
WALLABY is one of two key surveys that are now running on the Australian SKA Pathfinder (ASKAP). WALLABY will cover 3/4 of the sky (DEC < +30 deg) out to redshift z~0.26. The spatial and spectral resolutions are 30″ and 4 km/s, respectively, and WALLABY expects to detect over half a million galaxies in HI emission. Over 5000 galaxies will be well-resolved (>=5 beams).
Contact: Lister Staveley-Smith and Baerbel Koribalski

Galactic Australian SKA Pathfinder Survey (GASKAP)
GASKAP is using ASKAP to study the evolution of gas in the Milky Way and Magellanic System through deep, high spectral resolution observations of the 21-cm atomic hydrogen (HI) line and three 18-cm lines of the OH molecule. The survey will study the distribution of HI emission and absorption with unprecedented angular and velocity resolution, as well as molecular line thermal emission, absorption, and maser lines. The area to be covered includes the Galactic plane (|b| < 10°) at all declinations south of δ = +40°, spanning longitudes 167° through 360°to 79° at b = 0°, plus the entire area of the Magellanic Stream and Clouds.  The survey has a wide spectrum of scientific goals, from studies of galaxy evolution to star formation, with particular contributions to understanding stellar wind kinematics, the thermal phases of the interstellar medium, the interaction between gas in galaxy disks and the surrounding medium via outflows and accretion, and the dynamical and thermal states of gas at various positions along the Magellanic Stream.
Contact: Naomi McClure-Griffiths and John Dickey

The Galactic and Extra-Galactic All-Sky MWA Extended Survey (GLEAM-X) 
The GLEAM-X survey covers the entire sky south of Dec +30 in five frequency bands in the range between 72 and 231 MHz. GLEAM-X covers 30,000 square degrees, has spatial resolution ~45arcsec, and sensitivity 1-2mJy/beam.
Contact: Natasha Hurley-Walker

The First Large Absorption Survey in HI (FLASH)  FLASH is a blind HI absorption-line survey that uses background radio continuum sources to identify and characterise foreground neutral hydrogen. FLASH science outcomes are focused on both the neutral gas content of galaxies and the cosmic HI mass density in the redshift range 0.5 < z < 1.0 where the HI emission line is too weak to be detectable in individual galaxies. The observations will increase the total number of absorption line systems by an estimated two orders of magnitude, representing a significant data set to study gas assembly and galaxy formation during a time in the history of the Universe that is largely unstudied thus far.
Contact: Vanessa Moss 

The Commensal Real-time ASKAP Fast Transients survey (CRAFT)
CRAFT is a purely commensal survey for transient sources with timescales shorter than 5 seconds. It uses ASKAP to survey the Universe for impulsive astrophysical phenomena , such as Fast Radio Bursts, at radio frequencies between about 700 and 1500 MHz.
Contact: Keith Bannister 

An ASKAP Survey for Variables and Slow Transients (VAST) 
VAST gives unprecedented opportunities to investigate the sky at radio wavelengths for transients with a timescale as short as 5 seconds. VAST uses ASKAP’s wide-field survey capabilities to probe unexplored regions of phase space where new classes of transient sources may be detected.
Contact: Tara Murphy

Deep Investigations of Neutral Gas Origins (DINGO)
DINGO will  use ASKAP to study the evolution of neutral hydrogen (HI) from the current epoch to redshift about 0.5, providing a legacy dataset spanning cosmologically representative volumes. ASKAP data will be combined with optical data in the GAMA and WAVES regions to enable a thorough study of the co-evolution of the stellar, baryonic and dark matter content of galaxies.
Contact: Martin Myer

The survey is operational from 2014; searches for fast radio transients, 840 MHz, 45″ angular resolution.
Matthew Bailes


Deeper, Wider, Faster (DWF) 
DWF coordinates over 50 telescopes worldwide and in space, at all wavelengths (radio, mm/sub-mm, infrared, optical, UV, X-ray, and gamma-ray), organised with neutrino, cosmic ray, and gravitational wave detectors, to detect and follow up fast transients (millisecond-to-hours duration). DWF consists of four main components:
(1) coordinated simultaneous observations with all wavelengths on the same field at the same time performing deep, wide-field, fast-cadenced observations before, during, and after fast transients burst,
(2) real-time wide-field data processing (in seconds) and transient identification (in minutes) throughout the observing nights,
(3) fast triggering of DWF program rapid-response space-based and 8m-class ground-based deep spectroscopy and imaging (acquired within minutes of the light hitting the telescope) and conventional 4-10m class ToO and space-based deep spectroscopy and imaging, and
(4) long term transient follow up and field monitoring with program 1-4m telescopes worldwide, as some fast transients are associated with slower evolving events (e.g., supernova shock breakouts).
Contact:  Jeff Cooke 

SWAG-X: Survey With ASKAP of GAMA-09 + X-ray 
As part of the new AAL/eROSITA MoU, SWAG-X will observe the eFEDS GAMA-09 field with ASKAP as a follow-up Observatory Project to the Rapid ASKAP Continuum Survey. This dataset will be created as an ASKAP Observatory Project, run by the observatory while maximising the benefit for existing ASKAP Survey Science Teams (SSTs). SWAG-X will observe the eFEDS field at 888 MHz and 1296 MHz in full-resolution mode, producing data for both continuum and spectral-line science. With 16 hr integration time per tile, a continuum RMS of ~15 microJy per beam is expected. We encourage the Australian community to work with the ASKAP SSTs and eROSITA team as part of the new MoU to maximise science output from these data.
Contact: Vanessa Moss 


Wide Area Vista Extragalactic Survey (WAVES)
WAVES is a massively multiplexed spectroscopic survey of 1.6 million galaxies planned to be carried out on the VISTA telescope as part of the 4MOST Consortium’s suite of surveys.
​Contact: Simon Driver

The Hector Galaxy Survey
The Hector Galaxy Survey will use the Hector-I instrument on the AAT to collect resolved spectroscopy for 15,000 galaxies out to z < 0.1.
​Contact:  Julia Bryant