Applications are now open for a position to represent Australia on the GMT Science Advisory Committee. The Giant Magellan Telescope (GMT) is a next generation optical/infra-red telescope, and will have the resolving power of a 24.5 metre primary mirror. AAL is a founding member of GMTO Corporation and is entitled to nominate an...Read More
In July 2018, AAL took over responsibility for allocating time on the Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) from the former Australian Astronomical Observatory, on behalf of the new AAT Consortium. The Call for Proposals in Semester 2019A (for observing time in the period Feb-July 2019) was issued in Sep 2018,...Read More
AAL welcomes new AAL Board Director, Dr Sarah Pearce, after her appointment by the AAL Members at our 2018 AGM. Sarah is Deputy Director of CSIRO Astronomy and Space Science, and is involved in both the Square Kilometre Array and the newly formed Australian Space Agency. AAL also congratulate...Read More
by Caroline Foster Dear fellow Australian astronomers, This is an update from your Users Committee (UC) representative. My role is to represent Australian ESO users and act as the capillary link between ESO and the Australian community. The ESO Users Committee met in April (UC42) to receive an...Read More
AAL is delighted to be partnering with Macquarie University, the Australian National University and the University of Sydney, to form Australian Astronomical Optics (AAO) – a collaborative national capability in optical instrumentation. The combined capability will strengthen Australia’s bids for large international contracts at leading observatories world-wide. AAL...Read More
Following the signing of the Strategic Partnership agreement between the European Southern Observatory (ESO) and the Australian government on 11 July 2017, Australian-based astronomers will be eligible to apply for observing time on the facilities of the La Silla Paranal Observatories in Chile commencing with Period 101 (1...Read More
Proposals for Australian time on the Subaru 8.2m telescope on Mauna Kea in Semester 2018A (1 Feb – 31 July 2018) are due by 1:00pm AEST, Thursday 7 September 2017. The Subaru 8.2 metre telescope located on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii is operated by the...Read More
by Mike Ireland Period 102 is the last even period for NACO, which has a unique L’ capability. Recent work shows that it is possible to obtain very high contrast in the L’ filter without an aperture mask, using Kernel-phase. I am considering an eps Cha association proposal...Read More
Astronomy Australia Ltd (AAL) is inviting applications from suitably qualified Australian-based astronomers to represent Australia as an observer at meetings of the Magellan Scientific Advisory Committee. Applications close at 5pm AEST Monday 1st May 2017. Further details can be found on our website: More