Call for Proposals – ACAMAR Themed Workshops for 2022

During 2021 the Australia-China Consortium for Astrophysical Research (ACAMAR) sponsored four themed workshops: 

  • Radio Astronomy from the Moon (28-29 July 2021) 

  • Maunakea Spectroscopic Explorer (25-27 August 2021)  

  • Future of Traditional Survey Science (22-24 September 2021)  

  • Fast Radio Bursts (12-14 October 2021) 

Following the success of these workshops, and with the support of the National Foundation for Australia-China Relations (NFACR), ACAMAR is pleased to open a call for proposals for further themed workshops to be held in 2022. The aim of these workshops will be to develop, promote and strengthen understanding and engagement in astrophysical research between Australia and China, including business and community stakeholders, in support of Australia’s national interests. More information about ACAMAR is available via its website:

How to apply 

To apply, please send a summary of your workshop proposal (max 3 pages) to by 22 February 2022

The summary should include:

  • an outline of the workshop – including main topics to be covered,
  • proposed duration and dates of workshop,
  • key scientific organising committee members, and
  • an estimate of funding required.

Funding is available for workshop related activities such as webinar licences and workshop prizes. Note that administrative and technical support will not be provided as part of this sponsorship and proposers must ensure they have adequate resources in place to run a successful workshop. 

Proposals will be reviewed and assessed by the ACAMAR Australian Advisory Board and results will be communicated directly to proposers. 

ACAMAR is a joint China-Australia research centre between the Chinese Academy of Sciences, the Australian Department of Industry, Science, Energy and Resources (DISER) and Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL) to collaborate on areas of common interest within astronomy, astrophysics and cosmology.

Any enquires can be sent to Shona Madoc, AAL Program Manager: 

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