ESO Users Committee Recommendations for 2018

by Caroline Foster
I’ve seen that the results from the ESO time allocations for P102 are now out. Congratulations to all who successfully secured time on the ESO facilities!

It was a pleasure to see so many members of our community last week at the ASA. During my update, I mentioned that the latest recommendations from the ESO Users Committee meeting (26-27 April 2018) were nearly ready but still confidential. Well, you can now stop holding your breath as they are finally public. You may also read the Users Committee 2018 report – this includes the factsheet for Australia.

I’d like to take this opportunity to remind everyone that as your representative on the Users Committee, you may contact me at any time with any comments, concerns or issues with your experience using ESO facilities (other than technical). I note that ESO has an extensive website and provides quality technical support through its helpdesk, so if you have any technical issues, these are the best forums to get a quick resolution.

Finally, the ESO Science Newsletter is just out: 
Remember to sign up as this is the best way to stay up to date on important ESO announcements.

Clear skies! 

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