Call for applications – AAL Committees

Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL)

AAL is a not-for-profit company limited by guarantee whose members are all Australian universities and research organisations with a significant astronomy research capability. Its core business is to manage programs which provide astronomers with access to the best astronomy infrastructure, including data and computing infrastructure. AAL finances a portfolio of infrastructure projects and facilities from Australian Government funding. AAL oversees the progress of these projects and reports regularly on them to the Government.

AAL is seeking applications from members of the astronomy community and other suitably qualified individuals keen to serve in one of several capacities. 

AAL is looking to appoint:

  • Eight members of the AAL Science Advisory Committee (ASAC)
  • Two members of the AAL Project Oversight Committee (APOC)
  • Two members of the AAL Industry Engagement Advisory Committee (IEAC)
  • One member of the AAL-eROSITA_DE Management Committee
  • Two members of the AAL Astronomy Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee (ASTAC)
  • Two members of the Astronomy Data and Computing Services Time Allocation Committee (ADACS TAC)
  • One member of the AAT Time Allocation Committee (ATAC)
  • A member of the Giant Magellan Telescope Science Advisory Council (GMT SAC)
  • At least one member of the AAL Space Science Leads Committee (SSLC)

Detailed descriptions of all the available positions can be found by clicking on the blue bolded links in the list above. If you have any questions, please contact the relevant AAL Program Manager, as noted in the position description.

Why serve on an AAL Committee?

Do you share AAL’s vision of Australian astronomers having access to the best research infrastructure? There are many benefits of serving on AAL Committees, including:

  • Influence the strategic direction of AAL: Engage in meaningful discussions on strategic goals and priorities and report back so that the AAL Board can make informed decisions about the best way to invest in astronomy infrastructure.
  • Be the voice of your community: Committee members ensure that AAL’s programs, advice and advocacy are field-informed and reflective of the astronomy community as a whole.
  • Grow your network: Opportunity to benefit from the exchange of ideas and perspectives with other committee members.
  • Professional development: Hone your current skills and develop new skills by serving on a committee or in a role that reports directly to the executive management and Board of AAL – a great opportunity to build your resume.
  • Travel reimbursement: Where travel is required, AAL will reimburse you for attendance at national and international meetings, workshops or other events related to your position. AAL will also support you to attend and participate virtually where possible – the choice is yours.

Learn more about AAL’s committees here.

While serving on an AAL committee, you’ll have the chance to make connections with other members of the astronomy community – including some that you may not meet any other way! It is an opportunity to share your valuable expertise and experience, while influencing the direction of Australian astronomy.

Professor Orsola De MarcoChair of the AAL Board

AAL encourages you to serve your profession and the astronomy community by applying for one or more of the positions available. Anyone with the appropriate skills and expertise will be considered.

To apply, please email AAL at [email protected] with a maximum three-page application that includes:

  • The name of the position
  • A brief CV
  • A statement outlining your relevant expertise and addressing the selection criteria
  • Any relevant conflicts of interest.

Applications for all positions close on Monday 21st October 2024, 8:00 PM AEDT.

If openings remain after all applications received and completed by the deadline have been considered, late applications will be accepted.

AAL follows an open but targeted nominations process, which means that anyone with the right skills and qualifications can apply, but there is an effort to include individuals with specific expertise, or from under-represented groups or institutions. Members whose terms are expiring are invited to re-apply, but in most cases must submit a new and complete application.

AAL is committed to equity and diversity and endeavours to provide a flexible and supportive environment for its committee members.

We offer general and case-specific support to those whose personal circumstances may otherwise limit their ability to participate in AAL’s committees, including those with caring responsibilities and people living with disability. This support includes flexible travel allowances, enabling AAL’s committee members to defer membership if required, or participate in committee activities while on parental leave.

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