Workshop on the Future of the Anglo Australian Telescope

The Anglo-Australian Telescope (AAT) Council, supported by Astronomy Australia Limited (AAL), held a one-day workshop on the future of the AAT, at UNSW in Sydney on October 31st, 2019. The purpose of the workshop was to collect views of the community on possible future uses of the AAT, potential new instruments, and operational models for the AAT beyond June 2025. Leading up to the workshop (from 9 to 20 September) will be a series of Town Hall Meetings took place at various locations within Australia.
The workshop was a mix of presentations and group discussions. Outputs of the Workshop include:

  • A draft a white paper on the future of the AAT, as input into the Mid-term Review of the Decadal Plan
  • Identification of new instruments
  • Synergies with future facilities, in particular ESO facilities and LSST​

   Program of the meeting   

11:00 – 11:30 Morning tea

12:30-1:30 Lunch

  • 1:30 Extragalactic Science with 2dF up to 2025 (Luke Davies)
  • 1:50 The Hector galaxy survey (Julia Bryant)
  • 2:10 Synergies with LSST (Sarah Brough)
  • 2:30 Synergies with ASKAP and MWA (Elaine Sadler and Melanie Johnston-Hollitt)

2:50-03:20 Afternoon tea

  • 03:20 Discussion and concluding remarks (Chris Tinney)

04:00 End

                                       Detailed Notes on the Meeting ( written by Fred Watson)​