Call for nominations to the Australia SKA Coordination Committee (ANZSCC) Science Advisory Committee

The new Square Kilometre Array Observatory (SKAO), a next-generation global radio astronomy facility being built in Western Australia, will produce multiple petabytes of data in a single night. Credit: SKAO.

The ANZSCC invites applications for a member of the astronomy community to join the Science Advisory Committee.

The Science Advisory Committee:

  • Provides technical and high level scientific advice to the ASCC and/or Australian SKA Project Director.
  • Promotes Australia’s interests in the SKA project by communicating SKA‐related developments to the wider Australian astronomy community, and seeking the views of Australian astronomy communities on SKA‐related issues.
  • Facilitates appropriate events (such as OzSKA meetings) aimed at engaging and updating the broader Australian astronomical community.
  • Seeks opportunities to collaborate and/or hold joint meetings with scientists from SKA partner nations.  

More information about the Science Advisory Committee, including its full Terms of Reference, are available from this website.

AAL will receive applications on behalf of the ANZSCC. If you consider yourself well placed to contribute to this Committee via your expertise and ideas, please email [email protected] with a maximum two A4 page application including:

  • a brief CV,
  • your relevant expertise, and
  • any relevant conflicts of interest.

The deadline for applications is Tuesday, 6 December 2022 at 8:00pm AEDT. Late applications will not be accepted.

Applications will be reviewed by a subcommittee of the ASCC with broad consideration for how the appointment will help the committee fulfil its purpose. All applicants will be informed of the outcome by 16 December 2022. The successful applicant will be invited to attend the next meeting of the Science Advisory Committee in 2023.

The ASCC is committed to equity and diversity and encourages applications from all qualified candidates.

The current members of the ANZSCC Science Advisory Committee are:

  • Philip Edwards (Chair) – CSIRO
  • Naomi McClure-Griffiths – Australian National University
  • Stuart Ryder – AAL/Macquarie
  • Elaine Sadler – University of Sydney/CSIRO
  • Lister Staveley-Smith – ICRAR/UWA
  • Cathryn Trott – ICRAR/Curtin

Meetings are also regularly attended by:

  • Australia’s science representative on the SKA Organisation Board (currently Douglas Bock – CSIRO)
  • Australian SKA Project Director (currently Ben Scandrett – DISR)

For further information please contact the Science Advisory Committee Chair at [email protected]

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