Call for nominations for the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee

The energetic universe as seen with the eROSITA X-ray telescope.
The energetic universe as seen with the eROSITA X-ray telescope. Image credit: Jeremy Sanders, Hermann Brunner and the eSASS team (MPE); Eugene Churazov, Marat Gilfanov (on behalf of IKI).

AAL is seeking nominations to appoint a new member to the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee, which leads Australia’s science engagement with the eROSITA project.

Applications close on Friday 2 June 2023, 8 PM AEST. Late applications will not be accepted.

A vacancy has become available on the committee and AAL is inviting applications from suitably qualified Australian-based astronomers. The term of this appointments is two years. The minimum requirements of the role are participation in quarterly teleconferences (with AAL and eROSITA), however the successful candidate is expected to actively work with AAL to promote the collaboration within the Australian community. 

eROSITA is a German X-ray telescope which was launched on the Spectrum-Roentgen-Gamma satellite in 2019. Its main scientific goals are to:

  • Detect the hot gas within and between galaxy clusters;
  • To systematically detect accreting super massive black holes and distant active galactic nuclei;
  • To study the physics of galactic X-ray sources.

eROSITA will survey the X-ray sky and provide a replacement for the ROSAT all-sky survey.

CAASTRO and the German eROSITA consortium signed a memorandum of understanding in 2013 to facilitate collaboration between Australian based astronomers and eROSITA researchers. AAL now has taken over responsibility for this relationship which it manages through the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee.  To date, 24 collaborative projects have been approved under the agreement and the focus for the committee is to provide strategic advice on eROSITA matters of interest to the Australian community and to encourage further collaboration between the two communities.

To be considered for the position on the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee, applicants should demonstrate their: 

  • ongoing interest in the eROSITA project
  • track record of research or technical experience in areas of relevance to eROSITA
  • ability to liaise with the wider Australian community.  

Should you wish to be considered for the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee, please email with a maximum three-page application including: 

  • A covering letter describing your expertise relevant to the above three points
  • A brief CV
  • Any relevant conflicts of interest. 

Please do not hesitate to contact Shona Madoc, Program Manager, with any questions regarding this vacant committee position.  

AAL is committed to equity and diversity and encourages applications from all interested candidates with relevant expertise and skills. 

Applications close on Friday 2 June 2023, 8:00 PM AEST.  Late applications will not be accepted. 

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