Call for nominations for AAL Committees and external Representative positions

AAL is currently seeking nominations from members of the astronomy community for positions on its advisory committees and external representative groups. 

AAL is looking to appoint:

  • Five members of the AAL Science Advisory Committee (ASAC)
  • Five members of the AAL Project Oversight Committee (APOC)
  • Three members of the AAL/eROSITA_DE Management Committee
  • Two members of the AAL Astronomy Supercomputer Time Allocation Committee (ASTAC)
  • Two members of the Astronomy Data and Computing Services Time Allocation Committee (ADACS TAC)
  • A member of the Gravitational Wave Data Centre (GWDC) Advisory Committee
  • An Australian-based Cherenkov Telescope Array (CTA) Science Lead
  • An Australian-based astronomer for the Giant Magellan Telescope Science Advisory Committee (GMT SAC)
  • An Australian-based astronomer for the Murchison Widefield Array (MWA) Board
  • An Australian-based Legacy Survey of Space and Time (LSST) Australian Science Lead

Please click on the blue links above to access the detailed position description for each vacancy.

If you wish to apply for any of these positions, please email AAL at with a maximum three-page application that includes:

  • The name of the position
  • A brief CV
  • A statement outlining your relevant expertise and addressing the selection criteria
  • Any relevant conflicts of interest.

Applications for all positions close on Tuesday 5th October 2021, 5pm AEST. Late applications will not be accepted. 

AAL is committed to equity and diversity and encourages applications from everyone with the appropriate expertise and skills.

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