AAO Macquarie joins Swinburne and Curtin as a new node of ADACS

AAL is delighted by the recent formalisation of AAO Macquarie as a new node of Astronomy Data and Computing Services (ADACS)!

Established by AAL in 2017, ADACS is as a national initiative created for the benefit of astronomers, with the aim to assist in maximising their scientific return from data and computing infrastructure via training, support and expertise. Joining existing nodes at Swinburne and Curtin Universities, AAO Macquarie’s Research Data & Software (RDS) team will contribute its considerable software and data engineering experience to ADACS, helping to deliver first class software and data services to the astronomy research community. 

We are excited to formally partner with Swinburne and Curtin Universities on the ADACS project, continuing our long tradition of driving excellence in the astronomy software space. The partnership represents an opportunity for us to help astronomers solve some of their immediate computing and software problems through the ADACS scheme, while continuing our existing programme to build innovative software and tools anticipating future challenges and leveraging new technologies.

Dr Simon O’TooleCo-head of the AAO RDS team and Data Central Project Scientist

AAL is proud to support ADACS via the National Collaborative Research Infrastructure Strategy (NCRIS), an Australian Government program.

For more information on this story, please visit the RDS news website.

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