The purpose of the workshop is to identify the data and computing infrastructure requirements required to address the Astronomy Decadal plan priority that Australia attain “world-class high-performance computing (HPC) and software capability for large theoretical simulations, and resources to enable processing and delivery of large data sets from these facilities”.
It is intended that the discussion cover both large -scale datasets and computing in both the theoretical and observational domains.
The workshop program will be a mix of presentations and group discussions. Outputs of the workshop include:
Workshop Agenda
The workshop agenda is here.
Workshop Materials
We encourage all workshop participants to read the documents below. These documents will be used to structure and inform the discussions that take place. Workshop participants are also encouraged to make written submissions either before the day or following.
Workshop Presentations
Astronomy Data and Computing Today
• ADACS overview (Jarrod Hurley)
• ASVO overview (Katrina Sealey)
• ERIDANUS update (Slava Kitaeff)
• ASKAPSoft update (JC Guzman)
• NCI update (Sean Smith)
Infrastructure Investment Overview
• AAL Data and Computing Investment Strategy (Robert Shen)
• SKA Investment Overview (Peter Quinn)
• How ARDC is seeking to catalyse transformational investments (Andrew Treloar)
Target State
• AusSRC (Peter Quinn)
• Gravitational Waves Data Center (Matthew Bailes)
• Optical Data Centre (Chris Wolf & Katrina Sealey)
• Requirements from Australian Theoretical Community (Daniel Price)