Industry Engagement – Commercialisation of Astronomy & Gravitational Wave research

Call to Action

Industry Engagement Workshop & Upcoming Funding Round

The astronomy community must work in partnership with industry to realise its vision.

– Decadal plan for Australian astronomy (2016-2025)


Meaningful industry engagement is required to build partnerships that will design, develop and produce the next generation of astronomical instruments, and to harness the innovation flowing from fundamental research for commercial application.



A single central body should be established to promote and facilitate industry engagement.

– Decadal plan for Australian astronomy (2016-2025)


For industry – a single central body would present a unified interface to astronomy projects and would provide detailed and background information on available projects, contracts, and opportunities for commercialisation of innovative technologies.

For astronomers – a single central body would assist with professional training, the development of appropriate contracting and procurement procedures, the development of best-practice models, and maintaining a contact list for industry expertise.

Astronomers can work on advanced manufacturing projects.

See an example with our case study for Astralis – The Hector instrument and Hacko Watchmakers.

Astronomers understand space and earth observations.

See an example with our case study for Quasar Satellite Technologies.

Astronomers have no fear of big data. 

See an example with our capabilities page for ADACS – Astronomy Data And Computing Services.

Click here to see more stories like these – showcasing how astronomy benefits industry