The Call for Proposals for Period 115 has been announced (for observations between 1 April – 30 September 2025).
Under the terms of the Strategic Partnership between ESO and Australia, Australian-based astronomers have access to the facilities of the La Silla and Paranal Observatories, specifically the:
Complete details on how to apply can be found at the P115 Call for Proposals web page. All applicants should consult the Call for Proposals document for Period 115, and are required to update their ESO User Portal accounts to submit or be on proposals.
Any questions about policies or the practical aspects of proposal preparation should be addressed to the ESO Observing Programmes Office, Applicants who may wish to seek advice on proposal or observing strategies, optimal choice of instrument, etc. are invited to contact AAL’s ESO Program Manager at
Applicants are strongly encouraged to review the expected changes in instrumentation offered and procedures for Period 115 given in Sec. 3 of the Call for Proposals. Among the items likely to be of most interest to the Australian community are:
We remind applicants of the following important policies:
ESO supplies AAL with telescope/instrument demand and time allocation data relating to Australian astronomers only. Australian ESO applicant data is used only for statistical purposes, and will only be published or made available to other third parties such as AAL member institutions, in aggregated and anonymised form. ESO’s data collection/use provisions are available on the AAL ESO Forum for reference. It may be necessary to use automated data matching from data provided to the Data Central Lens proposal database to confirm the identity of ESO applicants. Applicants may opt out of providing data for Australian statistical purposes (including those from previous Periods) by contacting